Get out!

By Anonymous - 10/03/2010 21:12 - United States

Today, after taking my girlfriend on a date, she invited me back to her place for "hot coffee and dessert." Excitedly, I said yes. When we got there, we actually had coffee and dessert. When I told her this wasn't what I'd had in mind, she kicked me out for being a pervert. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 157
You deserved it 68 100

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ydi_ruuc 0
irishfever 0

Just because you took her on a date you automatically get sex?


if you just ate your dessert and drank your drink like a good boy you may have gotten something when you say g/f you must not have had sex or anything else previously or else this wouldn't have happened maybe to early to say g/f

Some of us actually want to wait for it to be more than ****** and hormones. I understand "coffee means sex" and that desert is kinda kinky sounding, but she is not required to give out. That is not the point of dating someone, at least for some people. No girl wants to feel like a one night stand if she has gone far enough to put labels like boyfriend and girlfriend on the male. So, 91 is correct, foreplay (because men can't go as long as girls) will put the girl at ease and show that you care about her. In the end you should have just make a corny joke, "Oh, wow, you cooked for me. I thought you were just trying to get in my pants" smile cute and then the idea is in her head and she realizes what coffee and desert really means. But never, ever make it seem like the relationship is only about sex unless it is and she knew this before hand. Being honest, with what you want and what she wants would have solved this problem.

I bet most men are thinking like him so don't bitch at him. u know who u are

#120 I'd be assuming she meant sex in this situation as well and I am a female... Stop generalising people.

Do you live in the ghetto? CIvilized people don't say "coffe & dessert" when they mean sex...

Do you live in the ghetto? CIvilized people don't say "coffe & dessert" when they mean sex...

watch it buddy there are civilized ppl in da ghetto too.

Who are you to say what civilized people do or do not say.

FruityLoooons 8

YDI for playing too much GTA.

you really do deserve it you chauvanistic pig. Geez. Whats wrong with just real coffee and real dessert? get over yourself.

Whats wrong with it? well late at night it contains caffine, which will stop you being able to go to sleep. having coffee at the end of the night is a ridiculous idea. coffe is for the morning, to wake you up. not when you go to bed. It's like having vodka before work.

YDI ALL THE WAY. You can get a blow-up doll, if you're that childish or desperate. Real men know how to pick the right moment instead of being jackasses. Also, real men make the girl feel like it's the right moment, but obviously, you fail at that, as this situation has proved...