Get out!

By Anonymous - 10/03/2010 21:12 - United States

Today, after taking my girlfriend on a date, she invited me back to her place for "hot coffee and dessert." Excitedly, I said yes. When we got there, we actually had coffee and dessert. When I told her this wasn't what I'd had in mind, she kicked me out for being a pervert. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 157
You deserved it 68 100

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ydi_ruuc 0
irishfever 0

Just because you took her on a date you automatically get sex?


sarcdude 3

I'd say FYL if you wrote that you were kidding, but you didn't so YDI.

well it could be worse she could have offered your her famous cherry pie

you should have kept your mouth shut.

Don't expect anything, that way actually getting some is so much sweeter.

ragglefraggle 2

To be honest, how many people simply ask for "hot coffee and dessert" after the first couple dates? He's calling her his girlfriend, so I'd assume they've been out multiple times. Coffee and dessert seems like a new acquaintance thing, or when you're just starting out. Just because he expected sex doesn't make him a pervert. It's an easy mistake to make. He thought she could have been talking suggestively...

YDI for having a healthy sexuality. You should've done some emotional manipulation shit or slipped her a roofie like a real manly man instead of being witty and normal.

MyKillz 0

Im so sorry dude... If only chicks would put out more and cut the shit.

Clearly she doesn't or OP wouldn't be on here. ZING!