By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I got hit by a car while riding my bike. Instead of coming to my aid, the driver just laid on his horn and screamed out the window for me to move my ass, because he had places to be. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 093
You deserved it 5 438

Top comments

Some people can be such inconsiderate assholes!!

aron666 25


I really hope you wrote down his license's plate and contacted the cops about this... Hope you are ok.

finch01 18

yeah can we ready what were u doing my way

footcheezeez 16

how do we know you didn't cut him off?

You should be on the sidewalk then. It's safer

Tinytank95 4

See if someone did that to me i would make a nice big ass dent on their car and then rip them out the window and curb stomp them then walk away

Because doing ridiucloulsy illegal stuff is the way to handle the situation, always, right? :-p

Um seriously, do not tell me that you did. You should have gotten up and gotten his license plate number or get into the car with him until he bothered to take you to a hospital and pay the bill.

Get his license plate number then throw your bike at his side window then shout 'We're even