Gimme the drugs

By Richmond24 - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I got all four of my wisdom teeth out. My mom didn't get my prescription for painkillers because she thought I'd get addicted. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 561
You deserved it 3 842

Top comments

you're funny but you see the thing is my mom is a health nut so there are no tylenol, advil, or any of that stuff in my house, but your right I MUST BE THE B1TCH FOR SHARING INFORMATION, you're right im a B1tch and your awesome for hiding behind a keyboard. YOU SIR ARE MY HERO.


At least you didn't have to suffer the side-effects. I got mine taken out yesterday. After ten minutes of the damn medicine y vomited gross stuff and my mother made me take it a second time... This time I vomited blood. Tell me when the pain stops!

same thing for me :( I was using ibuprofen I found in cubord

pendulum2012 0

You arent a grade-schooler? Most people grow out of the "taking badly angled Photoshopped pictures of my face to put on the internet" stage after high school.

your mom is a complete idiot and should not be allowed to have kids

brebre90215 0

i got my pain killers but my mom hid em im doing fine with motrin :) lol pain no moreeee!

ouch that sucks OP I got mines taking out 3 days ago! :(

Someone should tell her they're not that addictive. Unless you take it for years.