Such a Jerry thing to do...

By Jerry - 19/12/2017 15:00

Today, I woke up and realized I didn't start a fire last night. I live in Alaska and our winter nights can reach -30 below zero. My fish are dead, my plasma television won't turn on, and the cat has frostbite. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 598
You deserved it 3 261

Same thing different taste

Top comments

exileonmainst 16

Why would you need to start the fire? It was always burning, since the world’s been turning.

Don't believe this one. - A house in Alaska with out central heating? - If it cooled that fast would all the pipes frozen be a bigger concern? - The house went well below freezing but it was not noticed during the night. Does this person sleep in an arctic rated sleeping bag? - Plasma TVs can be shipped at temperatures down to 0 or below. Did the house drop below that? - A house in Alaska would be well insulated. It would not drop over 40-60 degrees in 8 hours.


exileonmainst 16

Why would you need to start the fire? It was always burning, since the world’s been turning.

If it was that cold, how did you manage to sleep through the night?

AzrielB 8

Don't believe this one. - A house in Alaska with out central heating? - If it cooled that fast would all the pipes frozen be a bigger concern? - The house went well below freezing but it was not noticed during the night. Does this person sleep in an arctic rated sleeping bag? - Plasma TVs can be shipped at temperatures down to 0 or below. Did the house drop below that? - A house in Alaska would be well insulated. It would not drop over 40-60 degrees in 8 hours.

ItchySasquatch 9

Not to mention them saying "it CAN drop to 30 below" which implies that it wasn't actually that cold, while simultaneously not being that cold to begin with lol

I too was thinking it was fake. I live in Oregon, not nearly as cold as Alaska. And our fire doesn’t go out from late October to about April.

a lot of houses here in Alaska survive mainly on a wood stove... and yes it can freeze that quickly. our power went out for an hour last week at 10 above and our house dropped in temperature drasticly.

julfunky 29

And you wonder why your father-in-law doesn’t like you. Don’t worry, I’m sure Rick can fix it.

PhantomCrevan 8

Sounds like you need to give up the ghost and buy some electric heaters and just keep them plugged in and on at all times. Also, I have to say that I'm very surprised that you are frostbite free if your cat- who has a coat that provides excellent natural insulation, and even more so if they are a long hair breed- has it. You may in fact want to double check that you DON'T have frostbite, because if you do and haven't noticed because of the lack of feeling, you could wind up with rotting flesh attached to the rest of you. Which would obviously be huge infection risk, and in fact a certainty if it goes unamputated for long enough. Also, why does your cat not sleep with you at night? Usually people can't keep the cat out of their bed.

Thimbs down because multiple electric heaters (on the same or an inadequate circuit) will possibly cause an electrical fire due to overloading. Most household circuits are completely tapped out at 1500w, which is what most electric heaters operate at. Please, if you have to use an electric heater, verify first that your electrical system can handle it, either by doing some research or consulting a professional. It is best to run the electric heater on a dedicated circuit, if possible. I would rather be a bit cold at night, rather than burning my house down while I am asleep. Be careful.

PenguinPal3017 19

They likely have an electric heater next to their bed.

again if it got that cold, unless the car was shut out, it would be curled up with it's human especially with a heater

PhantomCrevan 8

Kind of figured that using only as many as your electrical system can handle was a given, considering that it doesn't take a genius to figure out that an electrical fire can make you just as dead as hypothermia.

That sucks. When it warms up let us know that you ok

neverfind 20

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I live in Fairbanks, Alaska, and can confirm it's been in the 20s and 30s the last few weeks. I call fake too, because there's no way the house would freeze so severely THAT fast, especially since it's been so warm

It takes a special kind of talent to screw up that badly!