By Anonymous - 23/01/2018 15:00

Today, my husband has had a low sex drive for a while now. I've been trying all sorts of things to pique his desire. Turns out that a conversation about Neil deGrasse Tyson was all I ever needed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 592
You deserved it 569

Same thing different taste

Top comments

saffy66 34

Well he’s an awesome guy - I was lucky enough to meet him last year. But yeah - FYL.


saffy66 34

Well he’s an awesome guy - I was lucky enough to meet him last year. But yeah - FYL.

First read this as you knowing her husband, made it hilarious.

manb91uk 22

Well you know, when you need an aphrodisiac, you should always turn to black

I voted YDI, because Tyson should have been your first thought.

Science!!! Get him a WWNdGTD bracelet! Once you got him fired up, did the rest qualify for a “...For People In a Hurry” book?

Lobby_Bee 17

Hey, now you've found something that works!

Imagine what a Stephen Hawking video would do!

I guess you need to work some science pickup lines: ‘Hey Guy, how’d you like to send an exploratory probe into my black hole?’ ‘Let’s make our own big bang tonight’ ‘I’m drawn to you like gravity - not like the gravity on the moon or even the earth, but like the gravity on Saturn’