Give me a second!

By Nick - 23/06/2024 14:00 - Canada

Today, my ex-wife's lawyer threatened to default on the divorce because I have not signed the divorce papers yet. Divorce papers that I have not been served yet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 464
You deserved it 70

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're a pretty shit time traveller, OP. Get in your TARDIS/DeLorean/Bill & Ted phone booth, go forward in time to when you have signed the papers, steal them from yourself, hold future you at gunpoint until he gives you past sports results you can bet on and make billions, then come back to the present, do all that shit, and then live that rich boy life.

TomeDr 24

Yeah, my ex’s lawyer was the same way. Held up finalizing our divorce because the paperwork which HE was supposed to send to the judge was sitting on his desk for two weeks. I couldn’t close on my house and move out of my ex’s house until I had the final docs and that idiot forgot to send them to the judge for signing.


TomeDr 24

Yeah, my ex’s lawyer was the same way. Held up finalizing our divorce because the paperwork which HE was supposed to send to the judge was sitting on his desk for two weeks. I couldn’t close on my house and move out of my ex’s house until I had the final docs and that idiot forgot to send them to the judge for signing.

You're a pretty shit time traveller, OP. Get in your TARDIS/DeLorean/Bill & Ted phone booth, go forward in time to when you have signed the papers, steal them from yourself, hold future you at gunpoint until he gives you past sports results you can bet on and make billions, then come back to the present, do all that shit, and then live that rich boy life.

tiptoppc 19

Better yet, go back in time, **** up her parents ability to conceive, thus no marriage happened and no divorce papers need to be signed.