Give me strength

By wtbfiber - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my stomach muscles are still sore from yesterday. Not because I was doing sit-ups or working out or anything, but because I have to work that hard to take a dump. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 523
You deserved it 6 457

Same thing different taste


iTroller 0

That awkward moment when you don't stretch before taking a dump...

I would suggest getting more insoluble fibre in your diet. If you feel you get enough, go see a doctor. If you need to work this hard to excrete waste from your bowels, you might end up actually dying, due to stress on your heart. Thats how Elvis Presley died.

captainburke 5
Valentine_Beauty 5

hhahaah happened to me before...but my butt muscles were sore too...don't know how that happened.

You should go to the Dr. That's not normal.