
By Rick - 01/07/2011 08:31 - United States

Today, the driver's side window of my car was busted, and inside was a note that said, "Sorry, thought this was my car." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 655
You deserved it 2 506

Same thing different taste

Top comments that person busts the window of their car out on a regular basis?

Hahaha. Carma. Cos the FML is about a car. :P


mismonroe 0

At least they're sorry, right?

chaoticnh 0

you should track him down and do the same to his car and leave a note "cool story bro"

Thats why there was a skrewdriver in the ignition

the person was so drunk that they couldn't understand why their keys wouldn't work, or at least that's what happened when i got in and didn't recognize any of the stuff in my car.

dvdp112 0

you can always call your car or the note a bitch... lol

PandaPandy 6

Because I would also break into my own car haha

Look on the bright side. Things happen for a reason, right? He must've thought you needed a new window, so he got you a step closer to getting one.

fmyrie17 0