Going like the clappers

By Anonymous - 03/12/2024 05:00 - United States

Today, my family has been unsuccessfully trying to stop my sister's energy drink addiction. She's not even 30, but the doctors say her heart health (or lack thereof) is roughly equivalent to a person over twice her age. She probably won't even live to 40 at this rate, which makes us sad. Why won't she listen to us? FML
I agree, your life sucks 457
You deserved it 80

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Why won't she listen to us?" The word "addiction" is right there. Most of the time, it's like you're talking to the addict when they are in the front passenger seat...because the addiction is driving.


"Why won't she listen to us?" The word "addiction" is right there. Most of the time, it's like you're talking to the addict when they are in the front passenger seat...because the addiction is driving.

She's self medicating, prob'ly ADHD, if I had to guess why.