Going well, isn't it?

By Abandon - 20/07/2024 09:00 - United States

Today, it was supposed to be my night off from the baby. Instead, my wife said she "couldn't even begin to deal", so she locked herself in the bedroom and I had to watch both my baby and my stepson, who both became hyper-needy the second she shut the door. This is the fifth time in a row. FML
I agree, your life sucks 456
You deserved it 183

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm certainly not any sort of mental health professional, but I wonder if your wife might be experiencing some sort of post partum depression. maybe you could ask her if she would want to seek some discreet, professional assistance. Good luck.

d j mom 7

maybe she needs to see a doctor.


I'm certainly not any sort of mental health professional, but I wonder if your wife might be experiencing some sort of post partum depression. maybe you could ask her if she would want to seek some discreet, professional assistance. Good luck.

d j mom 7

maybe she needs to see a doctor.

Suck it up and parent. With a baby, the only one who gets a "night off" is the one who gave birth. Giving birth is a traumatic experience, and maybe she's still healing/processing what she went through. She could also be suffering from postpartum depression. Either way, she should see a doctor. You should be caring more about her mental health instead of your comfort.

Uh, no, the father is also entitled to a night off as well, cause he too has to parent. It sounds like the wife really needs to see a doctor about postpartum or something along those lines. Perhaps the next time she decides to flake out on his turn, she can get one of the grandparents to watch the kids for a couple of hours so they can both get a break. Being married and raising children together is a partnership and they both deserve to have breaks. Of course, if that doesn't work then maybe dear old dad should pull a leaf out of the wife's book and just shut himself in the bedroom like she does.

Drs/health visitor and a post partum depression check. Stat.

dixie1992 12

So if she wasn't like that before the baby she might have postpartum depression but if she was like this with your step son then that should have given you a clue she would be the same with your baby or she might never wanted a baby and only did it because you did I know you can't give all the details in the post

GoogieWithers 22

If both kids are hyper needy when she leaves the room, imagine what they are like when she has them on her own. I think you both need to have a break and maybe a doctors appointment for your wife.