Good girl

By StarvedForAffection - 13/01/2021 17:01 - United States - Midlothian

Today, I had to resort to telling my boyfriend that I have a praise kink, just so that he would actually compliment me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 016
You deserved it 273

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Warp1978 15

Not to be funny but praising is a definite kink it's more common than you'd think. Because everyone likes a little praise in their lives

Hey, you've got great shoes. Now will you send me some noodz, plz?


Warp1978 15

Not to be funny but praising is a definite kink it's more common than you'd think. Because everyone likes a little praise in their lives

Hey, you've got great shoes. Now will you send me some noodz, plz?

J15237 25

If you have a man who does not compliment you every day its time to look for somebody else. Clearly this person does not appreciate you.