Great idea, actually

By shayes9 - 22/07/2009 22:15 - United States

Today, the boss returned from vacation. While he was gone we thought it would be a great idea to fill the water cooler with margaritas. Even after rinsing it, we still have lime flavored water. Needless to say we got a company memo about appropriate office behavior. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 797
You deserved it 53 627

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FYL? You filled a water cooler with margaritas, and all you got was a memo. YLIA.


mister_smith 0

#20 is dumb. also just buy a new one they all look the same and if he noticed just say the old one broke.

You really deserved it... but oh my god, you have to work with the absolute coolest people on the planet! I don't have the heart to YDI, but really, YDI. So I'm on the fence.

thumb_r0ck3r 0

You guys did deserve it. But you must have the most sickest boss for him to not fire you for drinking on the job!

g33ktr0n 0

Well, what did you think was going to happen? This isn't an FML but more of a "no duh" situation.

Hahaha that is a really creative thing to do. People can bring their own bottled water, but honestly who would bring their own margaritas to work? I think every job should treat their employees every once in a while. :P

piddly_03 0

wait your complaining because you got a memo telling you not to fill the water cooler with margaritas? d-bag.

So what? all you got was a memo- this is so not fml worthy

mouseintern 0

Let me get this straight: You had margaritas at the office while your boss was gone, you now get a nice bonus lime flavor in your water, AND you got off with just a memo? I want to work in your office! This has "Win" written all over it, not FML.

Jay9313 0

This is freaking epic, I agree with #52. I would love to work here.