Great timing

By alo1434 - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I got mugged. As the guys who took my purse were about to walk away, my cellphone rang in my pocket. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 010
You deserved it 3 372

Same thing different taste

Top comments

just_a_dude_ 0

should've answered it and said "oh thanks I almost forgot to give them my phone with the tracking device ".

Jbfu 0

damn telemarketers, do they ever call at the right time?


You sound ******* crazy. Too much GTA as a child??

ADayToPierceTheV 0

and that's why you keep your phone on vibrate. anybody learn anything?

"Ok thanks for your stuff, guess I'll be my way... you SURE that's everything?" *holds up knife* "Yes sir, I swe..." *Ring ring ring, RING RING RING, AHHHH* "...." "What the hell was that?" "What?" "That hideous ring tone, sounded like it was coming from nearby your crotch." "Oh, that. That was... er..." "Whip it out." "Excuse me?" "You heard me." "But..." "Now." *lifts shirt* "Oh god! God that's horride! Put those things away and give me your phone!" "Oh that, ok." *hands phone over* "Gd dmn crzy btch flshng ppl tyng t rb thm..." *gets on FML* "Today, I think I was mugged by gayboii... FML.."

Still got gayboii on your mind, eh?

bee4000 0

why is that bad????? so confused

donnyfann22 0

you shouldve awnsered and said ihtz my dad the police officer

felah17 6

This is how you should have handled the call: "Hello? Hi,officer! Thanks for taking my emergency/panic button silent call! Yes,the muggers are still here. Hurry!!!! 3 blocks away? Great! I'll wait here"!

ptowngirl723 0