Grow up

By Anonymous - 17/12/2014 02:11 - United States - Gainesville

Today, a student's mother sent me an e-mail complaining that I was requiring her child to read a book containing mild profanity. She then demanded me to let him read an easier book. This would've been somewhat acceptable if the student wasn't in the 12th grade. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 186
You deserved it 2 890

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Well, I think Ulysses contains no sign of profanity whatsoever.

I think it was the student asking his mother to hassle the teacher for an easier book. IMO I'd ask my mother as well.

cnbcad 15

As a parent I'm withholding judgement without knowing the definition of 'mild.' My kids had to watch movies in school that I thought had totally inappropriate language on a regular basis. What's wrong with bringing up kids to speak civilly?

itssnotfunny 24

catcher in the rye? I bet it is