Grow up

By Anonymous - 17/12/2014 02:11 - United States - Gainesville

Today, a student's mother sent me an e-mail complaining that I was requiring her child to read a book containing mild profanity. She then demanded me to let him read an easier book. This would've been somewhat acceptable if the student wasn't in the 12th grade. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 186
You deserved it 2 890

Same thing different taste

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It's sad to see people trying to get rid of classic books due to them being "controversial". This may not be the case, but I've heard of similar situations regarding How to Kill a Mockingbird. The point of some literature is to open your eyes and unleash the truth. It sometimes seems like people just want to pretend that some things haven't happened.

Diary of Anne Frank was put on the banned book list for being too depressing. It's about the Holocaust, did people expect the tone of the book to be all rainbows and smiles? Some people are just ridiculous.

I had a friend who hated How to Kill a Mockingbird because the author "didn't need to use the n word so much." She wanted it rewritten to remove that type of content from it. She is a mixed race girl who loves rap music and is convinced there is some great message to be found in all rap music.

I have a feeling that this kid somehow managed to gain access to his parent's email account and sent out that email himself. Why don't you call his parents instead to verify if they sent out that email or not?

How old would a 12th grader in the US be?

Yup, either 17 or 18. Which makes it even more ridiculous...

Which is why I think that this kid got access to his parent's account and sent out that email himself.

There was this one mother I remember who threatened constantly to get the teacher fired. Why? The child had gone home and complained about having homework. Some parents are crazy.

When I was in high school I had a classmate whose mother threatened to sue the school because her son was assigned homework. The mothers argument was that all things school related (homework included) should be done at school and that is was abuse to send it home with students to do while having "family" time.

Could please buy some bubble wrap? "No sorry, we sold it all to the lady over there with the teenager"

Probably not a religious family, most religious books are very violent and not very friendly for women. But I think you should comply with her demands. We need to keep these people ignorant and stupid before they multiply. Let it stop there, for the benefit of all future generations.

Had a similar issue but at my college!! We were reading the book "fun home" by alice beckdel it was a graphic noble about her accepting her father's death and getting the courage to step out of the closet. There were a few panels of two nude women in the same bed but they werent pornographic drawings either but parents and some staff tried to fight to get it banned. Its sad cause i thought the book was good

Sadly there's nothing to do. Just give him a harder book with no profanity and don't tell the class about this altercation because you can lose your job. Be smart about it

Or don't give in to idiots. There should be no pandering to the whinny ass people of the world.

Not everyone thinks profanity, even in mild forms, is acceptable. If the student or his parents find it offensive, how is it an FML for you to do your job and make reasonable accommodations for alternate material?

Because in this case, the 'accommodations' include sheltering a kid between the ages of 17-19 to read a kids book. "Mild profanity' indicates words like 'Hell' or 'shit' stuff the kid hears every single day anyway. The 'child' in question is almost an adult. Should we hand the kid an Arthur book and send him to school with bubble wrap on his head? There's protecting your kids,and then there is being ridiculous and not letting them grow up.

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