Grow up

By Anonymous - 17/12/2014 02:11 - United States - Gainesville

Today, a student's mother sent me an e-mail complaining that I was requiring her child to read a book containing mild profanity. She then demanded me to let him read an easier book. This would've been somewhat acceptable if the student wasn't in the 12th grade. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 186
You deserved it 2 890

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Ask the Mom of it's ok for him to just bring in one of the magazines that he keeps under his mattress.

bryce0110 23

Stupid over protective parents.

tediruxe 13

child's likely 18 but tell her if they do they won't get the same grades as if he read the assigned book

Tell her he can read whatever he wants, but if he doesn't read the assigned book he will fail.

I would just give him a harder book to read, like a big boring book and make him do his own special paper for it just because it's what the mom wants the mom shall get :p

Like the complete guide to bureaucratic paperwork the extended edition.

Why did she ask for an easier book and not one with less profanity?

Some people just never grow up, it seems.

ezrajab 22

That all depends on what reading level the student is

When I was teaching 9th grade English, I got complaints like that all the time. But my favourite responses came after my warning:of mice and men is required for all 9th graders and does contain some of the situations you are concerned about as well as strong language. "Oh thanks for the warning, but of mice and men is a classic, so I want my student to read that."

Tell her you refuse to give an easier book and find one minus profanity but three times more dull. He will pass but be less likely to tell his mom about profanities next time.

Maybe the parents are retarded and think their child is too young for it, even though he's probably able to vote by the end of 2015!