Grow up

By Anonymous - 17/12/2014 02:11 - United States - Gainesville

Today, a student's mother sent me an e-mail complaining that I was requiring her child to read a book containing mild profanity. She then demanded me to let him read an easier book. This would've been somewhat acceptable if the student wasn't in the 12th grade. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 186
You deserved it 2 890

Same thing different taste

Top comments


what Kind of f****** teacher has an FML account

If the mother had known what kind of language even 12 year olds speak nowadays in school.

It's ridiculous how over protective some parents can be. Not to sound like that rude child saying "parents suck". They don't, and I understand they're protecting their children. But there is a point when you're over doing it. And this seems to be that situation of over doing it. He's in my grade, and what we're being shown is no where near inappropriate for our age group. I'm not sure about all schools and what they show. But, It's stuff we should know. It's not like they're showing us someone being brutally murdered and raped. And if they show us something that is upsetting or inappropriate in anyway, they send us home with permission slips for our parents to sign, to make sure it's okay to show us. And if the parent doesn't sign it, you don't watch the video. This just seems like some parent that doesn't want their child growing up and needs to stop being so paranoid.

Video games that show rape and murder are only rated 17+. You can join the army and be killed before the end of your grade 12 year. 1/2 of grade 12s can vote before graduation. It is rediculus to be sending permission slips to grade 12s they are adults and they must survive in the real world were sensitivity does not help you survive.

I agree it's ridiculous and they shouldn't be sending them home. But it's so silly things like this FML doesn't happen. We shouldn't need them, we're going to be adults this year or next, and I think we can handle these things. But it's to save the schools ass.

That's basically it; parents try to hide their children from profanity and anything "inappropriate", yet they send their children to public school where screaming **** doesn't get you anything more than a slap on the hands. She better hand him over a guide to the real world soon or he won't be prepared at all.

Overprotective yes... But it is still her right to ask just as it is your right to decline.

biggshow13 2

If you're really a teacher, you should know that "she demanded me" is not an acceptable phrasing.