By Idontbelieveinmagic - 17/06/2013 05:42 - United States - Las Vegas
By Idontbelieveinmagic - 17/06/2013 05:42 - United States - Las Vegas
By so pray to ariel about it, dipshits - 30/11/2012 19:29 - United Kingdom - Edinburgh
By Anonymous - 24/10/2020 11:02 - Canada - Courtenay
By dadsadipshit - 15/02/2013 23:00 - United States
By Username - 19/05/2011 22:46 - United States
By Ryan - 28/08/2011 20:10 - United States
By oh gee, you don't say - 15/12/2012 18:43 - United Kingdom - Southampton
By Anonymous - 23/10/2019 19:00 - United States - Portland
By Samantha - 13/03/2012 17:59 - Canada
By Abby_gummibear - 19/03/2011 21:04 - United States
By babysitter - 26/03/2009 03:45 - United States
Bigfoot is the only thing to see a mermaid.
Mermaids are real! Ok we all believe in something that others dont. And there is nothing you can do to change people mind and option.
oh man, the amount of prople who believe this just amazes me. even though there were so many stories in the news sites with comments frm the shows producers and creators talking about how its a fake. example from la times.. a quick google search will show a dozen more.
My friend did the same thing with me. She did see the light eventually, though.
FYL for not having an open mind
yeah that could have been fake but do you know what's at the bottom of the ocean? yeah mermaids obviously wouldn't sing and have bright red hair.... but there could be something mermaid like in the ocean. it would explain why in the deep sea they catch fish with man made spears in them. you think some human went out making spears out of stuff they found in the ocean and spear fish out there then let them go? or the whale they cut open that had a fish tale and hand bones in the belly. the idea of a "mermaid" isn't that ridiculous
I'm a huge conspiracy nut, if you want to discuss theories I'm always here. Anyway, clearly the illuminati is in league with the BuilderBurg Foundation to control the global economy in an attempt to divert all cash flow to America where the president is actually a puppet and they will create the NWO with Honey Boo Boo as a figurehead in MK Ultra experiments whilst we have people like Bieber distracting us from this horror all the while the water you drink is contaminated with mind numbing agents in an attempt to brainwash children through the education system to obey the mighty Cage... as was mentioned, all conspiracies lead to Cage.
The mermaids may be fake but that bloop they found was indeed real.
Eh, who said mermaids aren't real? They could be.
What?! Are you telling me that mermaids don't exist? Next you'll tell me that Santa is imaginary as well!