Gunked up

By strokingitasitype - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Canada - Gander

Today, I cleaned my computer screen for the first time in ages. When I turned it on a few hours later, I spent an embarrassing amount of time trying to figure out why the brightness was suddenly so painfully high. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 735
You deserved it 28 003

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Based on your username, I have a feeling your keyboard is covered in a thick layer of dust except for the "P O R N H U B" keys.

Really, this doesn't seem very dramatic. Now you know the benefit of keeping it clean.


Based on your username, I have a feeling your keyboard is covered in a thick layer of dust except for the "P O R N H U B" keys.

pinkpixie06 11

Eww! I didn't look at the username until I read this comment!

Once I saw your user name I didn't even have to read the FML before I hit YDI. Makes a lot of sense why your screen was so disgustingly dirty, it was covered with a thick layer of man gravy.

Epiqness 0

Eeeeww man gravy gets disgusting and it hardens after a while. :Q

Cool Story Bro: This actually happened some years ago with Rembrandt's famous painting _The Night Watch_, when conservationists finally removed a few centuries' worth of accumulated grime. The painting had long been thought to be dark and moody and atmospheric but it turned out that the foreground was actually quite brightly lit. CSB 2: I've actually been to the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam to see it. It's in a room by itself because of the volume of tourist traffic.

flashback.miss 28

"The light; it burns!!" lol but seriously, say you dont neglect the rest of the house or your personal hygiene like that.

mintcar 9

-FACEPALM - YOU'RE calling the OP an idiot? HA!

The amount of people on this site that troll with this statement is atrocious. For your own pride's sake, read a ******* dictionary before you start calling others idiots. Wanker.

nofearjenshere 12

^ I thumbed you up for your use of the term "wanker." (:

mintcar 9

Makes me wonder what else you haven't cleaned in that room of yours.

linkinpark98 23

OP: "What room?" *casually steps over piles of soda cans and junk food*

pinkpixie06 11

Maybe OP would have more time to clean if he spent less time "stroking it"!

Or more time letting others stroke it