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By Anonymous - 12/03/2015 16:29 - United States - Cass Lake

Today, my boss told me I got my new job because she rejected candidates that seemed "too confident" or "too pretty." FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 464
You deserved it 3 037

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least nothing was said about smarts, you must have that over them! Go OP! WOOH!

Don't worry OP, all bosses are bad! Some are just worse than others!


You only wanted that first comment didn't you? Couldn't think of any damn thing to say?

never in my life have 2 words been so deep and personal. this beautiful comment can be interpreted so many different ways that it's astounding...

I love how butt hurt everyone is over my comment lmao

Don't worry OP, all bosses are bad! Some are just worse than others!

JustinJK 21

I actually quite enjoy my boss. She's pretty cool.

I love my boss, she's super nice. but I may have a biased opinion since I'm my own boss.

Not only is that insult in itself, I'm sure that rejecting candidates based on appearance is against the law.

It's not illegal to "discriminate" people on their appearance. Are you saying people who show up to an interview looking like a homeless person should be considered purely on their resume? Or people with tattoos all over their face? It's actually completely understandable and a responsible practice that a hiring company uses appearance as a gauge for potential employees. It works the other way around too, a tattoo parlor may not want an employee who doesn't have a single tattoo. It all depends on what job you are going for. Dress, look, and act the part.

I stand corrected. Thank you for informing me.

at my old job they hired you not only for your resume but also for your apperance. i worked at a grocery store and they only hired 1. people qualified and 2. friendly looking people. you wouldnt want an someone who looks like an axe murderer or a hooker bagging your apples right?

Apparently it is not illegal as such but is dangerous because the employer must be careful they aren't discriminating because of a protected category like race, age or disability or sex.

At least nothing was said about smarts, you must have that over them! Go OP! WOOH!

At least the situation wasn't you not getting the job because you weren't pretty or confident enough.

And they told me to be confident in an interview...

Wtf where do you work? Thats very unprofessional.

Well congratulations on the new job! I'd say that's a pretty big silver lining.

Think of it this way if you were like them you wouldn't have gotten the job