Gunked up

By strokingitasitype - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Canada - Gander

Today, I cleaned my computer screen for the first time in ages. When I turned it on a few hours later, I spent an embarrassing amount of time trying to figure out why the brightness was suddenly so painfully high. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 735
You deserved it 28 003

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Based on your username, I have a feeling your keyboard is covered in a thick layer of dust except for the "P O R N H U B" keys.

Really, this doesn't seem very dramatic. Now you know the benefit of keeping it clean.


kaitlinthecutie 0
linkinpark98 23

As the fish from SpongeBob would say: MY EYYYEEESS!

senor_awesome 14

Are you the same guy who found the bug under your foreskin? If so, the monitor isn't the only thing that needs to be cleaned more frequently...

I guess you need to keep up on your dusting habits!

invisibleman8472 17
linkinpark98 23

He should have just kept up with cleaning it every now and then so he wouldn't have this problem. :P And plus, people who wear sunglasses inside are douches.

KiddNYC1O 20

I wear my sunglasses at night!

thenightshroud77 9

it could also be that you got water inside of the screen or just you needed to clean it more often

lildude155 0

You should really clean it like 1 a month

lildude155 0

You should really clean it like once a month

Did anyone notice OP's name - Stroking It As I Type? That might explain why the screen was so ridiculously dirty to begin with. YDI OP, take care of your stuff! /facepalm

There's like 6 comments above that say the exact same thing...

Ummm, what makes this one interesting is OP's username. Look again!