Guys, I'm here!

By nalathelionqueen - 10/08/2012 22:44 - United States - North Hills

Today, the summer camp I work at had its annual scavenger hunt, wherein the counselors hide and the kids look for us. It was my first year there, so some of my colleagues showed me the "best hiding spot." Two hours later, still undiscovered, I realized they just wanted to get rid of me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 597
You deserved it 3 096

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well.. I guess if no one found won! Jk FYL

9inchesSoft 11

They probably do it to all the new people that work there so I wouldn't be too worried.


Or just **** with them. Pretend you're insane or set something on fire

This made me really sad. Im sorry op, that must've been incredibly embarrassing. Those people are dicks. I'll be you're friend!

yoyoyolol08 5

Be friends with the kids. Thats what really matters

HappyBlackGuy 1

I would be happy since I didnt have to do any work

HappyBlackGuy 1

Do any work man I dislike iphone keyboards

OMG!!! It was a joke! Get over yourself or no one WILL want to be around you.

Shouldn't it be the other way around? Make the kids hide for two hours, instant break!

Since when do you hide during a scavenger hunt? Aren't you supposed to be out looking for stuff?

leogirl95 12

I think that game is called hide and go seek, not scavenger hunt