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By Anonymous - 01/04/2013 16:02 - Canada - Calgary

Today, I was babysitting, and after the kids fell asleep I started hiding the Easter candy. They woke up when I was half-done, and it didn't take them long to figure out what was going on. They won't stop crying, and every time I go near them, they scream "LIAR!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 877
You deserved it 8 032

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Better tell them about Santa so they leave you and go after their parents.

"No, kids, you see, the Easter Bunny told me he wasn't going to be able to make it and I should help. Why? Uh, well, his mom got hit by a car... NO! WAIT! STOP CRYING! THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT!"


Better tell them about Santa so they leave you and go after their parents.

Smack them and tell em whose in control

The pen is mightier than the sword.

Yes, because beating little kids, just because they thought something they were told their whole life was real, isn't. That's real smart.

20, my penis's mightier than both. Maybe not in this situation though...

Do you tell the parents they hit you first ? apparently as long as the kid started it it's OK.

36-... In what universe is it ok to hit a child, regardless of if they hit you first!?

iLike2Teabag 27

You mean there's no such thing as an Easter bunny? :(

McNikk 15

No but there is an Easter beagle. (Charlie Brown reference)

And a great pumpkin! Good grief! Edit: 56 beat me D:

McNikk 15

Don't feel to bad about it. It wasn't your fault.

It was OP's fault, but at OP was doing a good deed, it's a difficult thing with this topic and children. But there's no real convincing after they realize, sadly.

Toys 'R Us still solves everything...right? Right?!

Tell them that their parents have also been lying to them about Santa, Jesus, and "Hard work gets you far in life."

I agree with everything you said. But you shouldn't tell someone hard work pays off then mention you shovel shit all day.

Working hard is better than doing nothing but it doesn't get you far in life. EDIT: How far you get is generally based on luck.

Okay, I'm going to be the better person and not smack you with a Bible, but you should know how uncalled for that was, regardless of your own beliefs.

You could've said you had found a trail of candy pieces (or bags if that's what you were carrying) and had been picking them up while the kids were sleeping. Or the Easter bunny was so busy he entrusted you with the task. doesn't take much brain power to think of a creative story to dupe half asleep little children...

Since FMLs take awhile to get approved, it's most likely too late to offer any support :/

That or save some face and say I'm sorry I'm stealing your candy

14 - Yes, but other readers may benefit. OP isn't the only parent on this site.

Lol then she might in trouble with the parents...and still maybe make them, the kids might never forgive her and turn from angels to demons in a second. You don't want to get between children and candy, esp on a holiday

Bubbelz 25

22 - While I fully agree, I'd like to point out that OP is most likely not a parent, as she was (only) babysitting other people's kids.

"No, kids, you see, the Easter Bunny told me he wasn't going to be able to make it and I should help. Why? Uh, well, his mom got hit by a car... NO! WAIT! STOP CRYING! THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT!"

Honesty is the best policy. Why make up stories for your children? Be honest from the start. Why even say something else did it, tell them the story and why we do these traditions and to respect other children's right to believe their parents bullshit.

You must have had a very dull childhood

NickaPLZ 26

Better give the parents money or go buy a big ass easter bunny suit and give them some more candy! Easter two days this year bitches!