Hand shandy

By cdoyle - 08/04/2009 12:32 - Canada

Today, I went to dinner with my boyfriend. After we'd ordered, I started to unzip his fly really slowly. As I put my hand into his boxers, he stood up to greet his mom and dad who were joining us for dinner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 518
You deserved it 110 708

Same thing different taste

Top comments

checkyesbecca 0

And you would be doing this at a public restaurant? You deserved it, don't be so stupid next time.

I hope you intended on washing your hands before eating.


kellster 2

What kind of idiot are you??? Did you not know they were coming? If so, did you not hear your bf ask for a table for four and wonder why? If you did know, what the hell were you thinking??

why would he stand up when he felt your hand in his boxers?

meldawno 0

I don't think it's that bad. I mean doing that. Getting caught kinda blows.. :)

jbabe 0

really at a restaurant? thats sick. u deserved that.. yes i have rubbed a guys crotch while with other people in a car (exboyfriend) but i hid it.. i wasnt inside his pants.. and i wasnt at a restaurant... meeting his parents. that was just stupid.

crayons_fml 0

that's a little slutty to do at a PUBLIC restaurant.

LMFAO. you deserve it for being such a *****. are you that insecure that you cant go on a dinner date without giving him a handjob under the table? grow upp, seriouslyyy.

psychonurse 0

Oh ew. Giving your bf a handjob in a restaurant is absolutely disgusting. Where did you expect the **** to go?!?

SurpriseButtseks 0

I want to know how he didn't notice that you had unzipped his fly and were reaching in his pants, and if he DID know, then why he would have stood to greet his parents. FHisL.

This sounds fake why would he stand up with your and in his pants?