By MarcusJones713 - 08/04/2009 11:17 - United States
Same thing different taste
Hard pressed
By Cliffton - 06/11/2024 00:00 - United States
By likeyourboss - 04/10/2013 16:05 - Denmark
By Anonymous - 23/08/2015 12:35 - Australia
By Idle_Twin - 17/05/2015 17:53 - United States - Miami
By desigymrat - 25/12/2010 05:29 - France
By crossfitter - 21/05/2015 12:22
By Anonymous - 10/06/2024 09:00 - United States - Miami
By Heethersays - 03/07/2009 03:06 - United States
By Anonymous - 02/02/2016 10:17 - Canada - Cambridge
By wowimdumb - 30/01/2011 00:35 - United States
Top comments
fail... no offense
I would have guessed he was a European???? I'm never wrong about telling Europeans and californians. you sure you didn't put your location wrong???
I mean again, I was able to bench the 45 lb bar 15 times for the 6th grade fitness test oh say...... well whatever, I'm a sophmore now. if you do live on America, get off your laazy ass and work out, i do 4 sets of 10 curling 40's for toning work. your pathetic
I could do 20 reps of 90 when I was 12 ;) all bragging aside, OP your a disgrace to this great nation. GET OUT OF MY COUNTRY! *redneck accent*
#157, it is 'you are pathetic' , and yes, you are. different people have different life choices, if someone doesn't excel in weight lifting that is fine as long ad they enjoy their life. arrogant ego manic like you is sad
dude, im 13 and i can bench 70lbs 15 times, but i cant right now cuz i have a broken wrist from motocross :(
Lol the bar only weighs like 30 pounds so yeah that's kinda sad
show off
you dont deserve that bc it is my assumption that 98% of the population can lift a 45 lb barbell. 7-12 yr olds included. Spotter next time homeboy. Always when trying new exercises and eat that protein mix after workouts. Sounds like you need to gain some weight and muscle
Wait, a barbell without weights is 45 lbs? That's more than I expected.. Still, unless you're a pre-teen, that shouldn't be too hard if you're using both hands, and definitely shouldn't pin you...
Haha yeah get your friend to spot you next time.
Don't be so pathetic next time.
What were your friends doing? They should've been spotting you...
wow i really hope that you are not a guy. I'm a 19 year old girl and have been able to atleast bench the bar(45lbs) since I was like 14 so if your a guy that is a major fail and seriously FYL
Without proper form or previous chest workouts benching just the bar could be hard. Make sure you start with machines or just Dumbbell presses before you do bench press, especially if your new to working out. And also, allways but allways have someone with you when you bench. Benching alone is limiting yourself.

you dont deserve that bc it is my assumption that 98% of the population can lift a 45 lb barbell. 7-12 yr olds included. Spotter next time homeboy. Always when trying new exercises and eat that protein mix after workouts. Sounds like you need to gain some weight and muscle
Don't be so pathetic next time.