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Happy Birthday!

By Kryoyo - 07/07/2021 20:01

Today, I held my daughter’s fifth birthday at the park. What started as a fun playdate with all her friends turned into a day of horror, when a pair of teenage boys started running around our pavillion, screaming, “Babies come from sex! Babies come from sex!” FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 046
You deserved it 142

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Should have videoed it than reported them for disturbing the peace not to mention depending on where you are that would be considered profanity in front of minors. which is a punishable offense in some places.

rocknrollcomedy 5


Should have videoed it than reported them for disturbing the peace not to mention depending on where you are that would be considered profanity in front of minors. which is a punishable offense in some places.

rocknrollcomedy 5

"....and that's when I shot them, Your Honor."