Happy Fourth of July

By Help - 05/07/2024 02:00 - United States

Today, I tried to comfort my cats from fireworks. Problem is, I also have really sensitive hearing, so fireworks are distressing to me as well. My cats didn't take kindly to me being distressed and just became more irritable. They took their irritability out on me. Now I look like I fought a bear or something. FML
I agree, your life sucks 328
You deserved it 176

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks. Best you do is just to be normal. Life goes on, nothing special. That is what your cats can feel. FYL

Cats like to burrow in a kind of safe space, or safe room, when they want to calm themselves. After you've created the safe room, you can build a pillow fort for all of you, close the curtains, and open Netflix.


That sucks. Best you do is just to be normal. Life goes on, nothing special. That is what your cats can feel. FYL

Cats like to burrow in a kind of safe space, or safe room, when they want to calm themselves. After you've created the safe room, you can build a pillow fort for all of you, close the curtains, and open Netflix.

Vesi 29

I have cat hidey holes all over my house so they have places they can go to feel safe. I hated the racket too but tried to keep things as normal as possible. I just made sure I stayed near where they were hiding so they could hear us talking and had tv on in a few rooms. They all came out after the racket died down and got all lovey and snuggly. =)