Hard act to follow
By Anonymous - 09/11/2011 12:27 - United States
By Anonymous - 09/11/2011 12:27 - United States
By Keith - 19/05/2022 10:00
By Nogood - 10/03/2013 09:09 - Australia - Wahroonga
By athlete47 - 03/08/2019 14:00
By Anonymous - 01/08/2013 07:36 - United States - Goodyear
By AlonsoKold - 07/04/2014 23:39 - United States - Jackson
By Entitled parents suck. - 12/10/2022 10:00
By mike - 07/02/2010 07:16 - United States
By Kevin - 21/05/2019 16:02
By Shame - 19/09/2012 20:22 - Canada - Toronto
By Anonymous - 09/10/2012 05:39 - Australia - Cambridge
Become a hipster, beat her to it!
Being a hipster is too mainstream.
Too many ******* hipsters all over the ******* place.
Is this chick 12 by any chance?
Ten bucks she's in her early to mid thirties.
I have the misfortune to know a 20-year-old moron like this. She's also have 4 fiances and pretends to have chronic health conditions such as type 1 diabetes. She tried that one on me, a type 1 diabetic. Bit of an attention ***** who hasn't figured out the link between cause and effect. She can't work out why everyone hates her. On the other hand, she's a wonderful muse if I need a dumb bitch character. OP, I suggest you get away ASAP. I'm betting it wont be pretty though.
111 - cool story, bro.
Hey bitch I'm 12!!! So **** off! At least I'm not like this weirdo!
Nicely presented sir. I would have prefered abandonning the sinking boat but using bowel movements as an analogy is decent as well.
Dump her ass, plain and simple
Really no need to worry until she starts dressing up like a dishwasher repair man and tries to cram various objects up your arse. Goth and Reggae are stage one and two. You have at least three more weeks of good sex before the anal exploration phase starts.
And that's a bad thing how?:) Dig for Black Gold, get a prostate ******!
ydi for not leaving the lunatic
The "Dyslexic Brothers" Circus Co {Est. 2011}?
At least she's not into Justin Bieber. Give her a couple of weeks and she'll move on to the next fad.
She probably went through Beiber Fever already. Which is a mixed blessing, because she probably wont go back but OP would have had to put up with it for a while.
Well r u gonna do it?
Do me a favor: Imagine the rest of your life with that kind of crazy. Think you can deal with it? If the answer is no, I suggest that you leave her.
get a new gf :)
Maybe next she will dress like elton john