By fatflabbyfail - 20/02/2010 06:09 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 06/05/2021 16:59
By Mr. Shawzy - 15/01/2009 11:43 - Canada
By tripleBBB - 09/09/2018 01:30
By Fattypatty - 09/07/2009 06:21 - United States
Unpleasant, but clean
By deathparty352 - 12/10/2019 04:00
What even is that?
By git recked lul - 01/12/2023 06:00 - United States - Allen Park
By dawg3360 - 07/06/2009 06:02 - Canada
By clitorasaurus - 21/08/2010 06:09 - Canada
Simple answer
By pathetic - 29/05/2009 02:35 - Canada
Growing old gracefully
By Anonymous - 27/01/2017 18:25 - Australia - Brisbane
Top comments
loose weight then fatty.. it's discusting!!
nice spelling ;)
wow your an example of the kind of people I hate. not that i'm fat, but you just hate people cuz they're not anorexic or belimic
what's wrong with my spelling?? I didn't know I was getting marked on this!!
I didn't say I hate fat people I said it's discusting fat people can loose weight it's a choice!! being too skinny is also discusting!!
I hope you are misspelling on purpose. Cause you really are a dumbass. And you dont look American either so how is everyone gonna say we are stupid?
soo?? what's your point!! his isn't a spelling test buddy..
it's not ALWAYS a choice.. some people gain weight for medical reasons that they can't control.
what do u mean? gain weight due to medication? or different medical conditions?
both actually.. I feel sorry for people who can't help it. but for those who are overweight because they don't take care of themselves ..and don't care about their image.. well then that is pretty disgusting.
no I'm not American I'm Australian.. I'm happy you all know how to spell do you all want merit awards??
woo Australia got a mention!
Ugh, please do not admit to being Australian; you are embarrassing us as a nation.
heartofglass go *** yourself!!
lmao Zuuzuu... Even AFTER they tried to explain to you the right spelling, you kept saying ''loose'' and ''discusting'' like an idiot. You are a shame, please get off the interwebz and go train your brain for some time. It's been neglected ALOT!! Dumb ****.
ahahahahah. "***".
dude, you guys are ******* gay. almost every one of you guys are hating on that girl for spelling words wrong. I mean really? is it necessary to be a prick about it? damn... and uhh zuuzuu or whatever, haha, you can gain weight from diabetes or birth control.
I think that the other reason she is being ganged up on is because she doesn't realize that some overweight people don't have the choice to exercise the fat off. That's where it gets frusterating to explain to her. I guess there are actual people like that.
zuuzuu, you should just stop commenting back, it makes you look worse everytime..
Whooooa, holy shit, good find bluesclues! I'm not gonna ask how you found that out, haha. :P
Hey Zuuzuu, you don't have to be a great speller,with your looks all you gotta do is smile, shake your azz and guys will line up to spell for you!!
@157: > when you refuse to correct yourself it just shows that you are a dumbass Or maybe it just shows that one doesn't care about a random stranger's opinion... lol *** - that's a funny mispelling... and it's funny how the other "mistakes" are driving people berZerk... big fat lol... with wet underparts! (ps. troll win for zuuzuu!)
nice spelling.
This FML raises one of three questions; How often do you bath!? OR How fast did it take for you get so fat?? OR How slow are you? ._. In any case, I agree, F your life :/
How could you let yourself get that fat? I would think you would start to notice after you gain about 15 and change something. And instead of bitchin about how fat you are go run or bike
I didn't even want to laugh at this; it's just too sad. #20, it's very easy to slowly gain weight and to not realise how much you've put on. It's the same as growing taller little by little and not realising that you are a giant. Even as you buy yourself new clothes, the change is so gradual that you don't notice it until you are startled one day. OP, losing weight the right way isn't easy but it's worth it. Good luck.
Gotta say, this FML grossed me out a bit. OP, why would you even want to share something like this? I hope now that since you recognize how much you've let yourself go, that you don't just ignore it, but instead work on changing it. Being overweight is really no laughing matter. Good luck.
Maybe OP just has a lot of junk in the trunk.
ydi for being so fat that you would actually roll if you were pushed down a hill. losing weight really isn't that difficult
^^^^ Fatass detected.
YDI for posting that where people might read that when they're eating.
agreed with 66
#189 sounds like one of those bitter, angry looking girls who is always eating a salad and glares at any female who eats fast food. I'm 5'1 and 105 pounds and I see those girls all the time looking at my McDonalds in horror. yeah, I am a girl and skinnier than you but actually eat real meals. so enjoy your dinner salad while I have steak and potatoes and dessert too.
@ 196: Actually, I eat very well, thank you. I just don't eat like a pig. No, I'm not jealous of your McDonalds. That stuff makes me sick. I don't know why people love it so much. I'm not bitter at all. I just think there are way too many fat people whining about being fat. If people don't mind being fat, then whatever... It's their choice. They shouldn't bitch about things that happen to them because of it. Come on- lifting one's ass cheeks to dry them?! Why would anyone ever say that? That's beyond gross. Hope this clears things up for you. Now go **** yourself, k? Thanks.
#196 that reminds me of my cousin, she is obsessed with soy milk and salads and made a big deal about the cake we had for my birthday, complete with a speech about carbs, sugar and saturated fats. the funny thing is that she isn't that skinny, she has thin legs but a tubby little gut #215 is probably angry because she is hungry
I just really like your name 129..
YDI for being american.
holy Christ
holy shit #2 is hot
that's discusting, not an fml, ur fault
urgh sickening
@tweetbaby14 who cares? shut up
wow #142, lmao a "younger beyonce"? keep dreaming OP, if ur weight is being a problem try going to the gym and exercise :) and if u have no choice and its a medical condition, that really sucks :( i hope u find a solution
NOT an FML. with some discipline, you can fix this. no?
Why fix such a wonderful thing?
At least you're saving the planet by using less water. Just one cup of water in the bath to fill it up when you get in.
wow how can you get so overweight. Hope this experience teaches you that being fat is a crime. LOOSE SOME WEIGHT!
Against nature.
Pendatic you know how it is. The line between literate and illiterate is so slight that at times it may barely be distinguishable, especially by the person involved. It kills a perfectly good joke every time.
Never question yourself. While I admit to playing to the audience at large, more often than not I'm very content knowing that only a few actually "get it". Gray matte, it is a terrible thing to waste. ;)
Uhhh that would be matter. I wish that I had the ability to build a good spell check for the touch/iPhone. Maybe in the next life.
@htownlove, sometimes my itouch gets away from me and unlike the computer it cannot be corrected. My folly had I not immediately seen and corrected it would have been to cluelessly carry on without making amends. Nice try.
#132: (L)
eeeeeeek D:
Just make sure you're not the one in walmart with short shorts.
ew.. lol.

Ugh, now there's an image I don't want in my head!
Just make sure you're not the one in walmart with short shorts.