
By Username - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - France

Today, I decided to have a midnight snack. I figured I knew my own house well enough to leave the lights off so my mom wouldn't wake up. Chuckling at the brilliance of my plan, I walked straight into a doorframe and bust up my nose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 207
You deserved it 31 361

Top comments

"chuckling at the brilliance of my plan" lol what are you, an evil scientist/mad professor or something?

Loser. YDI for not using your cell phone to see


Loser. YDI for not using your cell phone to see

That and the fact that they obviously don't know the layout of their house.

kashman95 1

shoulda knocked on wood you never say that you know you can do something before you do it... ydi

"chuckling at the brilliance of my plan" lol what are you, an evil scientist/mad professor or something?

Reyo 2

Well OBVIOUSLY. You have no idea how ingeneous it is to not turn the light on when entering a room. I scoff at you for not realizing such geneousity. *scoff scoff*

BurnIt2TheGround 0
micery 0

Done it before. Instead i just hit the glass table and had to refrain from making a sound despite the pain. I know your pain!

Been there done that, but I sure didn't post it - it's really just not that bad.

DoomJeff91 2

I'm chuckling at the brilliance of your joke.

Mx_Rider 6

like 6 said been there done that same shit different day no big e you will live

BurnIt2TheGround 0
thinmint 0

"chuckling at the brilliance of my plan..." bwa.ha.ha.ha. where's pinky, brain?