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Health hazard

By lacie - 08/04/2021 21:30

Today, multiple customers have complained about my body odor. Not only can I not smell anything, but I shower three times a day and brush my teeth seven times a day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 933
You deserved it 135

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's a bit excessive. Showering that much can dry out your skin and brushing your teeth that often will damage your enamel

What about 1. Laundry - both clothing and bedding 2. Deodorant use, and 3. general home cleanliness. Might need to ask a friend or trusted acquaintance to help with a sniff test. If it’s your mouth, could be sulfur producing bacteria and there are medicines for that. Also check for tonsil stones.


What about 1. Laundry - both clothing and bedding 2. Deodorant use, and 3. general home cleanliness. Might need to ask a friend or trusted acquaintance to help with a sniff test. If it’s your mouth, could be sulfur producing bacteria and there are medicines for that. Also check for tonsil stones.

That's a bit excessive. Showering that much can dry out your skin and brushing your teeth that often will damage your enamel

Sounds like a medical issue, go see a doctor.

Several things: 1. See a doctor. Excessive body order can be due to a number of conditions like hormonal imbalances or infections 2. Washing that much may be making it worse- you're stripping your body of its natural oils/ defenses so it will over produce to compensate 3. Brushing your teeth that much will irritate your gums and damage the enamel- which cab cause periodontal diseases. Stick to chewing gum, sprays or mints for fresh breath 4. Wash/ replace your clothes and bedding. Pre-soak them. But also wash out your washing machine and hoses, dry clothes in the sun and consider different detergents 5. Consider different cosmetics. Also check if your deodorant is a deodorant or an anti perspirant. They are different things. And even reputable brands don't always offer fantastic protection. A good sports/ medical brand can make a world of difference

Several doctors recommend only showering 2-3 times a week, unless you’re actually dirty or sweat a lot (like work out or live in Texas kind of sweat). If you do still shower daily, you definitely shouldn’t wash everything every time. Just a quick rinse of pits, groin, and feet should suffice.

Nhayaa2.0 17

I've always wondered... why in english do you say "anti perspirant" when you say "sweat". I mean, sweat/perspirant have nothing in common. In french it's "anti transpirant" because we say "transpiration". That makes sense.

In English, sweating is perspiration, and transpiration is usually more to do with plant life than humans. Plus, "to perspire" only means "to sweat" in English, whereas "to transpire" not only relates to plants expelling water, but it's also used when an event occurs (e.g 'What has transpired today will be remembered for a long time to come.'), so I guess it comes down to the two things technically being different, at least in the English language, and using "perspire" when specifically talking about sweat prevents people from being confused. This is just my take, however. I didn't invent the words.

Do you use deodorant? lotion? mildly scented cologne? You may need a mild cover up cuz its likely your diet.

Stargazers 3

Definitely see a doctor and a nutritionist

bri0709 5

Do you have cats? I had an ex and a previous employee who couldn’t smell the odor of cat pee and so if their cats peed on something it smelled so bad to everyone else and they had no idea.