By Wakachulak - 30/07/2013 05:55 - South Africa - Johannesburg
Wakachulak tells us more.
Funny thing, I logged in to do just that. I had to make the FML short, so some details were left out of course. The 'bus' was actually a company minibus taking people from the company parking lot to the office building and back. There is no room for standing. The distance between the parking and office is 20 min on foot btw. Yes, I measured that. Yes, the guy did take the aisle seat and then scooted over when I got on. It's just a courtesy between colleagues. Honestly, I don't know how it smelled. My sense of smell is so dull, only the most vile blasts register with me. For all I know, he could of just been pulling my leg, in which case he had the misfortune of picking on the one guy that would of reacted to that prank with nothing but a deadpan "Thanks". Oh well, **** his life :)
Top comments
2 What the **** is up with your profile picture? It's like your trying this gross people out.
We can say the same about yours daniel.
#39, lmao. #2, I think every seat in the world has been farted on, lol.
I'm sitting on a bus seat as I'm reading this
j j kk j bk j bj n uhuh hi ink j huh
Wouldn't you have noticed anyway though? At least this way you had time to steel your nerves to it. And why would he fart and then move off the seat he farted on? Why not just stay on his farty seat while you sit on the one he wasn't in?
so I (could) sit down*? It reads oddly
Or sat down, maybe that's more proper..
Did either of you read the FML or are you just making things up?
At least he was polite and honest all at the same time? :D
I'm sure most bus seats have had worse on them than farts. :p
Ur right could be worst
You farted?! Say it out loud
So have hundreds of others.
at least he warned you?
This really isn't FML worthy.

It's good to hear that you cleared the air
What bus seat hasn't been farted on?