Health risk

By SoupCanoe - 29/08/2011 08:33 - United Kingdom

Today, my mum gave me half-raw chicken for dinner. After she refused to cook it again, I threw it away saying that I didn't want to get salmonella. She told to be more grateful, and that I was an idiot for trying to use salmonella as an excuse because, "It's chicken, not salmon." FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 155
You deserved it 3 878

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have said 'I meant chicken pox!'

Well, you probably should have cooked it again yourself rather than throw it away, but fyl, that's disgusting.


Just remember...this is the woman who raised you! :D

Your mother's an idiot. And she's been cooking for you all these years?

methatguy94 1

Tell her to see a mental doctor cause she is retarded

cloudygirl5 16
lucidpattern 6

if you didn't think it was done, you could've finished cooking it yourself. that's what it's like to be a grownup, you do things for yourself, ya little brat.

Chris20003 17

You're thinking of ground beef. Chicken is a source of Salmonella.