By stillsick - 02/03/2011 00:11 - Canada
Same thing different taste
By uncleaning - 22/07/2009 23:03 - United States
Am I really the asshole here?
By What did she expect? - 07/04/2024 02:00 - United States
By IEatDammit - 30/01/2009 03:26 - Canada
By ohnolunch - 05/03/2009 20:12 - United States
Our house, is a very very very fine house
By Anonymous - 24/03/2021 17:00
Healthy lifestyle goals
By Anonymous - 06/04/2023 10:00
By anonymous - 08/10/2011 20:40 - United States
Go vegan
By Done - 24/11/2020 05:02 - Italy
By Anonymous - 14/05/2015 02:37 - United Kingdom
Two rooms, two atmospheres
By Anonymous - 26/11/2020 16:58
Top comments
what an amazing roomate... get the hell out
Yeah kick her out, nobody wants to live with that
Yeah that's ******.
OK, just so I don't have to see any more 'it can't be food poisoning after 1 hour' bullshit, here's how it works. The two main mechanisms for food poisoning where the food itself isn't actually poisonous, are through ingesting live agents like bacteria, virus, or parasites, or through ingesting the toxins produced by bacteria. In food poisoning where there is a rapid onset of symptoms (in the 1-6 hour range), it's generally due to bacterial toxins, i.e.; the food you ate was 'rotten'. In cases where you ingest a live agent, the incubation period can be from anything from a few hours up to several days, so people don't usually necessarily associate it with the food they ate. This is often erroneously passed off as 'stomach flu'. There are also things like CJD where symptoms don't show up for years. Long story short: STFU. This is possible.
kick that roomate out. she must be ******* retarted if she would feed you overdue food. and anyway, who would want the garbage man to like them? it's a pretty crummy job.
You haven't ever gotten food poisoning before, have you? I have gotten sick within 6 hours of eating fast food, and it was most definitely food poisoning. Don't start stating facts until you know them for sure, and have actually experienced it.
49: I liked the short story better...
Thanks - I thought it had a certain charm.
#88, alternatively, maybe OP's roommate rarely cooks and THAT is the surprising part. Even if she did mean it the other way, my mum's made meals with expired ingredients before, and it tasted fine right up until it came back up.
Agreed.. Don't let her cook again, she might kill you. ;-;
that's nasty
If shes hot then its ok
You look like you could be Jay Leno's son. :)
Woa! 24's right!
actually I thought he looked more like vinny off of jersey shore... that's just me though lol
#26 there's no need for your obnoxious and stupid behavior. get the **** off caps lock dude .
#24 it's because of his huge chin
#60 do you really have to be a bitch? OP that sucks! It's not like the garbage men really care. FYL at the moment.
dude I'm not being a bitch. it's called sarcasm.. it's my personality. sorry to have offended you , lol
I'm not being a bitch.. it's called sarcasm, which Is my personality.. sorry to have offended you, dear. lol :)
blah sorry my iPod lagged
bitch move!
Lol, you actually trust freaks like that? You desserve it. Good game.
What a stuck up bitch! I take it she didn't eat anything? She probably is just trying to poison you!
You don't get sick within the hour from bad food
really now... *fetches the rotten milk* DRINK IT grawr
Yes because since it has never happened to you it's obviously impossible right? ... you're a dumbass dude
hahahahaha #23 made me lol :)
Well padlarf go eat some week old shrimp an tell us how long it takes you to get sick...

what an amazing roomate... get the hell out
The awkward moment when you find out your roommate is banging the garbage man.