Hello goodbye

By mydatinglifesucks - 15/06/2014 06:31 - United States

Today, I had a date with a man who works as a psychiatrist. He diagnosed me with borderline personality disorder during dinner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 859
You deserved it 6 794

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least he didn't charge you, who doesn't love free things?


Op, don't take it too seriously...any of you.

it's okay, my dating life sucks too :/ chin up though, it'll get better :D

Why are we more concerned about manners and not a mentally ill OP? A diagnosis like this shouldn't be shrugged off as him being a dick, personality disorders can be very serious and in some cases require hospitalisation in a psychiatric facility.

Don't complain. Do you know how much money I spent to find that out?!

cheshireau 26

That is not an illness somebody, trained or not, should randomly place on you. It is a serious condition and I would have kicked him in the balls. I have BPD.

neonglostix 28

BPD is not a condition to be diagnosed lightly. Most likely, he has douchbag disorder.

pjsmamasan 10

anyone else wondering what OP could have done to make the man assign a diagnosis??? Lol also, I've been in the field for only and year and a half...... borderline personality disorder isn't extremely difficult to spot...... just saying.

The moral of this FML is don't go out on dates with psychiatrist.