Nice guy

By Anonymous - 08/05/2022 00:00 - United States

Today, my friend fixed me up with a guy from her workplace. I'm painfully shy, so I really appreciated it and was looking forward to meeting him, since she described him as very sweet. Once the date got started, he continuously made fun of my speech impediment, until I finally left in tears. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 538
You deserved it 117

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Doubt your friend knew anything about this dude outside of his work persona, and that lead to your having to deal with him hurling abuse at you during a date. I am so sorry. You deserve better.

I wonder if your friend alerted him to your problem, so he could prepare material to tease you with. Or did he just improvise when he met you? Either way, a real gentleman would only make fun of you behind your back.


Doubt your friend knew anything about this dude outside of his work persona, and that lead to your having to deal with him hurling abuse at you during a date. I am so sorry. You deserve better.

I wonder if your friend alerted him to your problem, so he could prepare material to tease you with. Or did he just improvise when he met you? Either way, a real gentleman would only make fun of you behind your back.

wrenavery90 12

I'm so sorry. That's just awful.

So sorry. I detest people that make fun of or bully someone. My mom has a stuttering problem. She has always been embarrassed about it and we all tell her it isn't as bad as she makes it out to be(it really isn't). One day her cousin came over when they were all in high school. My parent's were already dating by then. The cousin tried making fun of my mom in front of my dad. My father calmly turned to her and told her "if you ever do that again in you will answer to me!"They were married 6 months later!