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By Rose - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, the man I went on a date with a few weeks ago finally called me back. I was his "one phone call" from prison. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 726
You deserved it 2 461

Top comments

palahniukpaul 6

He sounds committed. Most girls would dig that.


The only way you're getting that second date is by bailing him out!

He is in prison and obviously got no one else to call...why??? Stay away.

He is in prison and obviously got no one else to call...why??? Stay away.

In case we didn't get it the first time...

rcgirl2 11

Out of all the people he could've called, he called you. You're special. :)

I hate to say this but, hang up. If he didn't have the time for you. You shouldn't make the time for him.

perdix 29

Well, at least you've got one thing in common: You are both free to meet a whole bunch of new men.

perdix 29

Apology accepted, I guess??? People have said a lot worse to me without asking my forgiveness. I'll let it slide this time, but DO let it happen again ;)

perdix, your profile is amazing. your analogy to FarMviLle is extremely entertaining. i hope you publish one day.

guess he had a good reason for not calling earlier!

bprince25 0

they say suprise sex is the best way to wake up. unless your in prison.