FML for mobile
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By Anonymous - 24/04/2022 22:00

Today, I told my son that if he doesn’t sort his life out, I’d change the Wi-Fi password. His answer, "Good luck old man, I changed it months ago and unless you leave me alone, I’ll disconnect your living room TV." I’m disabled so I need the TV to cope with being depressed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 069
You deserved it 371

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So call the cable company and tell them you need a new router for the internet.

Vesi 29

Yep you can get help for this. If YOU pay the bills, he has NO right to tamper with your things.


So call the cable company and tell them you need a new router for the internet.

then you have to pay for the new one if the company is like that or for the install (even if it's just connecting it to their towers again). he's in a pretty good stalemate right now lol

Vesi 29

Yep you can get help for this. If YOU pay the bills, he has NO right to tamper with your things.

if he's 18 it's time for him to go. he's clearly not helping you and most likely contributing. better to live alone than deal with this bullshit. if he wants to know it all then let him figure it out

whatshername?! 39

Well you can just reset it to factory settings and then create a new passwort. However, your son can probably do just the same.

call your provider and have them help you change it

kitten79TX 5

Sounds like he's a disrespectful asshat. Call a friend to help you change things. Or your internet company. And if you pay his phone bill, call the phone company and turn off his data.

wysegirl 24

read books? looks like it's time you find another coping mechanism or get help so you can mentally heal

I see two things messed up here. your son did a harmless prank, yet is seen as the worst. and the OP is relying on TV to cope instead of connecting with their son who seems to be acting out to get some type of attention from you, not really just to be a dick. he wants to turn your TV off but all you want is to watch, find common ground again, find that love