Help wanted…

By lexithepirate - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I had a doctor's appointment. I left with referrals to both a dermatologist and a mental health professional. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 174
You deserved it 2 831

Same thing different taste

Top comments

VooDooCarrie91 19

I know that skin conditions also take a toll on your self esteem. Hang in here, OP.


So when you said your acne was "crazy bad", he took it literally?

Epikouros 31

Did you go to the doctor because your skin stopped sparkling, or because your werewolf fur was shedding?

kismentia 10

Sounds like psoriasis, coming from one who has this chronic skin condition. Acne pales in comparison. However, there are treatments that make life manageable.

Woah, that's some crazy acne! I'm curious what ailment you had that brought you in the office and resulted in a dermatologist and a therapist?

That's okay, I recently left mine with referrals to a therapist, gyno, AND a gastrologist (sp?). I feel you op.

Neuro-Cutaneous disorder in Progress!

I thought this is a true FML. Having a skin condition as well needing a mental doctor. But they go hand in hand because skin conditions can be depressing.

marisadc79 0

Things will get better at least you're on a path now to the help you need