Help wanted…

By lexithepirate - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I had a doctor's appointment. I left with referrals to both a dermatologist and a mental health professional. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 174
You deserved it 2 831

Same thing different taste

Top comments

VooDooCarrie91 19

I know that skin conditions also take a toll on your self esteem. Hang in here, OP.


At least you don't have kidney stones, or worse, cancer.

noisebox 1

Watch the mental health referral part they more often create ore problems....

brittaknee 4

Depression can actually cause acne

brittaknee 4

You get depressed then you stop washing your face plus all the junk you eat while you're down the next thing you know you've got acne. Haha

Pandamonia88 9

*hugs* I know that feel. I once left with a large quantity of barrier cream and a referral to a shrink.

I'm getting the same referrals the next time I go to the doctor's lol