
By ritz - 10/09/2009 14:15 - United States

Today, I was leaving my job at a huge mall. I couldn't find my car anywhere, so I panicked and flagged a security officer. I cried while he drove me around for miles in the endless parking lot. Then, suddenly, I remembered. My friend had dropped me off in the morning. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 574
You deserved it 56 246

Same thing different taste


damn...only women start to cry because of something trivial as this ....YDI

youthink_fml 0

the average person is so stupid

OP, i feel for you. I'm also prone to losing my car. Now i always make a mental note of where I parked. If it's at an airport long-term parking, I send myself a text message with my exact location so I can find it when I return home from my trip.

Yes. I saw it on a t-shirt once and when it was time to make my FML name, that is what came to mind. It isn't directed at anybody in particular though, just meant to be humorous.

Ah... dude I was going to give you so many cool points for the name until you didn't know where it came from (Frank Booth... Blue Velvet). Please watch Blue Velvet now, you will be so much more happy about your FML screen name.

@#98 She wasn't by car, a friend dropped her. OP: I LMAO but shit happens.

D'oh. Good point there. Different situation entirely.

you stupid cow-not capable of thinking back a few hours? I hope they charged you for wasting their time ffs

Totally did this same sort of thing the first time I took my husband lunch at work on base, except my car WAS there. It took me 45 minutes wandering around the various parking lots crying to find it. Then I got so lost trying to get back off base that I was driving for 3 hours before I found an MP to ask how to get out of there. My husband beat me home. To top off the day, my puppy had figured out how to turn the door knob and get out of his room. He had shredded all my family photos, my professional portfolio of all my work for school (which couldn't be duplicated because my computer had crashed, taking all my documents with it 2 months previously), and had shat in 3 places throughout the house, then rolled in 2 of the piles. AWESOME day.