Here comes the flood

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Gurnee

Today, my tiny apartment flooded. My family lives out of state and the few friends I have all gave me B.S. excuses for why I can't stay over for a few nights. I'm so broke this month that I'll probably have to hit up my psycho ex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 478
You deserved it 1 968

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thunderniron 22

If you live in an apartment that you're renting, the management company is responsible for providing you with a place to stay while your apt is unlivable.


Koalabiter 6

The same thing happened to me last month. If you're displaced, you can use renters insurance to stay at a hotel. It'll cost you your renters deductible, but you should eventually get that back if the accident wasn't your fault.

I'd let a friend stay over if that happened to them :'( sorry op but I definitely wouldn't contact a crazy ex though, you don't want that type of fuckery in your life! sleep in your car perhaps? It's not ideal but it's something

It may be embarrassing and less than ideal, but a shelter may also be a viable option in your situation.

don't do that you'll regret it sweetie find someone else or complain to your landlord about not having money and see if they'll comp you a room somewhere

She's the one who probably did it! It's a trap!

Can always go to relief centre or homeless shelter for a few nights too.

mthurston 14

I'm gonna go against everyone else and say do it, I've slept on the streets and it sucks, plus you might just get laid ;)