Here comes the flood

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Gurnee

Today, my tiny apartment flooded. My family lives out of state and the few friends I have all gave me B.S. excuses for why I can't stay over for a few nights. I'm so broke this month that I'll probably have to hit up my psycho ex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 478
You deserved it 1 968

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thunderniron 22

If you live in an apartment that you're renting, the management company is responsible for providing you with a place to stay while your apt is unlivable.


They are not friends if they don't understand and will not help.

I'd live out of my car before I hit up my mentally unstable ex.

Put up a craigslist ad or gofundme account but don't go back to your psycho ex

PePziNL 20

From all the crazy stories I hear from it (I'm from Europe), a Craigslist ad is the one thing that sounds worse than crashing at your crazy ex's.

Maybe a cheap hotel? Or like somebody said a coworker(if you have a job) but good luck OP

My apartment got flooded a few months ago when my water heater exploded... Several treatments with a wetvac and the carpets are still soaked. Sorry, OP! Hope you can get it taken care of.

I'm a professional carpet cleaner/flood remediator... I'm sorry that happened to you but I can tell you that someone didn't do the job right. It sounds like they used a shop vac to clean it up and not a professional carpet cleaning machine. Water heaters can dump a lot of water but they can usually be fully dry in 2-3 days if the person knows what they're doing.


damn! MONTHS?? You better look in to that because I'd bet money that you've now got mold. I'd be pissed if it took months to dry my carpets. might as well rip them up and replace since that can kill you.

wow some friends you have. sorry o.p

Don't do it!!!! Also, I don't think you have any friends if they won't let you stay for a couple of days. Hopefully everything works out for the best!!! Good luck, OP!

Get new friends, friends don't let friends be without anywhere to go in a situation like that, sorry OP.

Shay_Shay97 23

Sounds like you need to get a shit ton of towels and sponges.

Maybe try the couchsurfing site? Good luck!