Here comes the flood

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Gurnee

Today, my tiny apartment flooded. My family lives out of state and the few friends I have all gave me B.S. excuses for why I can't stay over for a few nights. I'm so broke this month that I'll probably have to hit up my psycho ex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 478
You deserved it 1 968

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thunderniron 22

If you live in an apartment that you're renting, the management company is responsible for providing you with a place to stay while your apt is unlivable.


born_hustla 26

Well it's obvious that you don't have friends! I'm sure neighbors would be more willing to help.

Wouldnt renters insurance cover this? As in pay for a hotel room or something until repairs were done? It is so cheap it is silly not to have.

Yeah, renters insurance would cover it, it's on the most basic coverage plan.

Iwannarock1 19

Why don't you have rental insurance? it's ridiculously cheap. Be responsible for yourself, Bernie can't make everything free for you.

My job consists of clean up of floods in apartments and homes, as well as other specialties, and your apartment complex should have called for a flood remediation company immediately. If that company did their job right, they should have pulled pad out from under the carpet and thrown it away, extracted as much water as possible from the carpet, and dropped blowers and dehumidifiers to facilitate the drying process. Then, in at least 3 days time, come back and repad the carpet for you. If they didn't do part of, or any of this... Go raise hell. You don't want the risk of mildew/mold presence to your health.

This guy knows his shit. I rented a place that had been flooded before I lived there and they just pulled up the carpet and pad then placed the carpet back down, without a pad... on a concrete slab, air dried the place out, repainted and then I moved in. Humidity and moisture ruined a lot of furniture and our health degraded. A broken lease and a lawsuit later I am paranoid to ever rent again.

Air drying a flooded apartment only works if the outside air is cool and humidity is low. Otherwise, close it up and turn on the AC or heat (depending on temperature) and turning all fans to facilitate air circulation.

I don't know where you are but you're welcome to come and stay in my house. I am really lonely and could use some company.

As others have said, your apartment complex is usually required to pay for housing until its fixed. That is, as long as it wasn't your fault, then you had better of made sure you pay for renters insurance (Seriously, you better be!) to cover yourself. Sometimes you still need the insurance!

Depends on the state if renters insurance is cheap. It costs us too much to have renters insurance that it really was not worth the money. We don't live in a flood zone either.

When my step-brother's apartment flooded (due to the toilet in the unit above them exploding for unknown reasons) the manager just had the water taken out and that was it. They weren't moved out despite damaged walls/ doors due to flooding. However, when the main waterline broke and their apartment flooded again (less than 3 months later I think) they were moved into a new unit.

You need some new friends..good luck