Hermit life

By Pookaa - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I got a text from someone I've been avoiding saying, "Can I come visit you today?" I replied, "No, sorry, I'm not home." They then replied "Then who is that in your living room?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 177
You deserved it 8 400

Top comments

Save_Bandit 5

Two valid responses: "Apparently I'm bring robbed!" Or "Why are you staring into my living room?"


FYL. They're a stalker and they shouldn't just invite themselves over your house.

chels1994 11

they have a productive life don't they?

lisha88 1

Tell him "idk stalker but stay away from me and my house"

kitsune3 20

Your next response should be: "...Why the hell are you stalking me? Can't you take a hint?"