Hermit life

By Pookaa - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I got a text from someone I've been avoiding saying, "Can I come visit you today?" I replied, "No, sorry, I'm not home." They then replied "Then who is that in your living room?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 177
You deserved it 8 400

Top comments

Save_Bandit 5

Two valid responses: "Apparently I'm bring robbed!" Or "Why are you staring into my living room?"


Come out of the house and throw the phone at him. Maybe then he'll start realizing you don't like him very much.

what a stalker! try drawing the curtains next time?

Hard to hang up on someone who's texting you

skweez_fml 0

He's climbin' in you window, snatchin' you ppl up.......

FatMan23 10

Hide yo kids, hide yo wife. And hide yo husband, cause they creepin' ev'rybody out 'ere!

daniella101 5
Llama_Face89 33

109- I figured that was the case because OP said they were avoiding the person. I could be wrong.