Hey y'all!

By Anonymous - 01/05/2021 00:56 - United States - Schertz

Today, a friend was over at my house. My dad walks over and talks to me; I respond. He then goes back in his room. My friend then says, "Don’t get self-conscious, but when you talk to your dad, your southern accent gets REALLY strong." Guess who's now self-conscious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 812
You deserved it 170

Same thing different taste

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Many Southerners have different accents depending on who they're talking to (often divided between business and personal life). I moved out of the South years ago. My Southern accent will definitely surface whenever I'm talking to relatives or childhood friends or local friends who are also from the South. I tend to moderate my accent to match more closely the accent of whoever I'm talking to. I have done this ever since I was a child, and I don't always realize that I'm doing it. So don't sweat it. It's surprisingly common. Look on it as a skill, not a flaw. Acknowledge it and move on.

Marcella1016 31

Agreed. This is actually a named phenomenon known as “code switching” and usually attributed to black people, people from other countries, etc. Many people do this subconsciously, speaking in a “proper” manner when in certain settings such as at work or with groups of friends, but delve into their more comfortable vernacular that they probably grew up using with other groups such as family and close friends. A LOT of people do this and don’t even realize it. It took me years to realize I don’t like talking on the phone in front of other people because I would subconsciously “switch it up” and it felt weird because my brain was like HOW DO I TALK NOW?! My ex used to make fun of me because of how I’d take on my mom’s accent whenever I was on the phone with her. And I take on a totally different slang when speaking with my sister. It’s weird but natural. Definitely nothing to worry about at all lol. Just acknowledge it and move on.


ojoRojo 27

Southern accents are charming - own it!

southern accents are sexy af though! what's the problem?

Now you know that you can exchange secret messages with your dad without anyone understanding what you're saying. Too bad you don't have this superpower with your friends instead.

Many Southerners have different accents depending on who they're talking to (often divided between business and personal life). I moved out of the South years ago. My Southern accent will definitely surface whenever I'm talking to relatives or childhood friends or local friends who are also from the South. I tend to moderate my accent to match more closely the accent of whoever I'm talking to. I have done this ever since I was a child, and I don't always realize that I'm doing it. So don't sweat it. It's surprisingly common. Look on it as a skill, not a flaw. Acknowledge it and move on.

Marcella1016 31

Agreed. This is actually a named phenomenon known as “code switching” and usually attributed to black people, people from other countries, etc. Many people do this subconsciously, speaking in a “proper” manner when in certain settings such as at work or with groups of friends, but delve into their more comfortable vernacular that they probably grew up using with other groups such as family and close friends. A LOT of people do this and don’t even realize it. It took me years to realize I don’t like talking on the phone in front of other people because I would subconsciously “switch it up” and it felt weird because my brain was like HOW DO I TALK NOW?! My ex used to make fun of me because of how I’d take on my mom’s accent whenever I was on the phone with her. And I take on a totally different slang when speaking with my sister. It’s weird but natural. Definitely nothing to worry about at all lol. Just acknowledge it and move on.