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By Anonymous - 10/01/2011 05:38

Today, I asked my parents if I had a college fund because I will be going to university in two years. They laughed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 831
You deserved it 5 757

Same thing different taste

Top comments

satre 0

in australia hardly anyones parents pays for uni, everyone gets loans then pays it back after they graduate when they start working

get a loan and prepare for debt like everyone else


nicknesser 0

You're so selfish OP holy crap.

by OP bitchin yes it makes them selfish aka spoilt.. things shouldn't be handed out on a silver platter.. get a job!

Well clearly the OP is trying to get towards having a good job. It's not selfish to want to go to college.

Ha, I did not have this reaction at all when I read this.

It's not selfish to want to go but it's selfish to think it's only up to your parents to save for you. My parents chose to work jobs that they loved, that gave them hours that allowed them to spend time with my brothers and I, and helped a lot of people with their work. They could have either saved up for us all to go to college themselves, or paid off the house early, put food on the table, etc. I got two degrees by using student loans, a small amount of financial aid, scholarships, and working. By paying off my loans on time I'm building a good credit score and am learning about my own finances. It makes me an adult. College is a time to get educated in the classroom and about how to live your life. All the spoiled assholes that get a free ride to school on daddy's dime are more likely to not take what they are doing as seriously, which hurts their academic career and doesn't let them mature. I am incredibly thankful that I don't have the sense of entitlement some of the people commenting here have. That's probably why I already have a starter house and a good job in my field while all my trust fund friends are working temp jobs and living in their parents' houses.

RedPillSucks 31

I'm not sure OP was thinking that it was only up to the parents to pay. Most people can't save up enough to pay for the entire thing anyway so students are usually looking at loans or grants, not matter what. But you gotta admit that having your parents laugh at you when you ask about a college fund can give you a sinking feeling. Not quite FML, but definitely FMD. Two years is plenty of time to figure out how to fund college, whether its working, loans, grants, all of the above.

it's a perfectly fair question, and to all you saying get a job, stop being stupid and realize that OP is most likely 15 or just 16, meaning a job is either not possible or just barely possible. we don't all have parents that can ferry us around all day

In the past getting a job may have been an expectation to pay for college because prices didn't have average in the 40,000$ range for private colleges. However when many peoples yearly salaries for full time work don't extend to that amount getting a job could only scratch the surface of college debt.

So you're one of those assholes that think they're better than others because they had to work to pay off college. Which I do give you props for, but don't assume that someone who doesn't have to is spoiled. I watched my brother work his ass off in high school to get the best scholarship he could so my parents didn't have to pay as much and he took more college classes than anyone in his school because they were free. He did all this knowing my parents have enough money to pay for college. Now that he's been in college for 3 years he continues to keep up a 4.0 gpa; and he's going to be a mechanical engineer, which anyone with a brain knows is a extremely challenging degree is earn. I get to see my fully grown brother cry sometimes due to all the stress he puts himself under to get great grades. My parents still had to pay half because we don't get financial aid, but they're beyond happy with that.

AwayWithTheWind 0

- Well... that answers that question :P

satre 0

in australia hardly anyones parents pays for uni, everyone gets loans then pays it back after they graduate when they start working

exactly. you're all lucky your parents pay for this stuff. we all have to pay for it ourselves. you shouldn't just expect your parents to pay for that stuff

yaksandyetis 0

Same in New Zealand, pretty much no one's parents help with anything. maybe OP's parents were laughing at the thought of him/her going to university.

Wow, did you actually read the comment before you retaliated Stephanie?! Hah!!!

That's because in Australia, university tuition is basically affordable, and the government has reasonable assistance schemes that don't leave you crippled by debt for the rest of your life.

They don't necessarily leave you 'crippled for life', although it is essentially like taking out a loan for your education whereby when you graduate and find a stable job, much of your income goes towards paying the loan off. Therefore, leaving small amounts of money to actually live off.. :)

TheDrifter 23

Crippled for life? Try community college or state university. I went to U North Dakota for four years and finished with a degree and less than 10k in debts and loans. I note op didn't say they wanted to go to university, they said they were going to go. Gotta love that entitled mindset.

However many Australians still live at home when they go to university whereas most New Zealanders have to move away and pay for rent and food, too. Also university is a lot more expensive in many other countries and students don't receive as much support from the government. We have it lucky down under!

same here my mom didn't have a college fund and I'm going to a private four year university I got good financial aid and loans

lkd8165 0

Some people work their way through college and pay for it themselves. Generally if it's your money you won't be slacking off in nowadays not too many people can afford four years of college for each of their kids. Good grief.

get a job... I have one and I'm 13 (japan's laws are not against it ether and I hate workin) but yeah you pay for your own stuff like a regular person an quit askin for money

can't believe everything on the internet, haha.

lkd8165 0

Profile fixed, lol. Never been to Alaska and 20 is an age I definitely don't want to repeat. :P

mayb they laughed bcuz u r just a failure @ life & they thought to think of themselves for once instead of a failure? jus sayin

get a loan and prepare for debt like everyone else

FYLDeep 25

Yeah, I'm probably going to be 20 grand in the hole when I get out. Live it up now, you most likely won't be debt free for a loooooong time afterwards.

I agree. The parents are supposed to at least guide help them if they're not going to pay for college or help them find the best solution. just b/c a kid's 18 doesn't mean they're ready to be thrust into the world w/o guidance b/c they're still a teen mentally. Everyone on here saying it's not the parents job couldn't be more wrong. just b/c it was their situation doesn't make it right. my family helped me whenever they could & guided/advised me along the way.

RedPillSucks 31

How much did college cost back in your day? Now-adays a decent college costs $15k a year. Some state schools are $10k. Ivy league is $50k. There are houses that are cheaper, and you can get a 30 year loan to pay those off. I'm not saying you're wrong, just that now its a lot harder to get a decent education. I can see how kids today can freak out. *I got accepted to Harvard! Oh crap!* To OP, there are plenty of grants and loans available to help whether or not your parents have saved enough. You've got two years to investigate. EDIT: Ok, after ranting, I realize we are in violent agreement. I should read more carefully next time, and after coffee.

Tell me about it...still paying mine! :-O

lindsaysue 4

20 grand? That's it? Consider yourself lucky!