By paige - 01/04/2011 03:18 - United States
Same thing different taste
He's still got it
By Anonymous - 26/10/2019 00:01
By Illinoisgirl - 14/02/2012 14:29 - Hungary
By sober - 12/02/2009 02:09 - United States
By Anonymous - 15/05/2015 23:55 - United States
By ItGirl - 09/11/2014 02:36 - Sweden - Eskilstuna
Anger management
By FML - 08/12/2013 18:00 - Puerto Rico - Cayey
By meeeoow - 22/01/2011 10:05 - Australia
News to me
By Anonymous - 18/04/2020 20:00
By Anonymous - 01/05/2015 20:02 - United States - Las Vegas
This is fine
By Anonymous - 07/08/2024 02:00 - United States
Top comments
maybe because you are. have some nice incest and deal with it.
Tell him thanks... and tell yourself he didn't call you that because of beer goggles
Oh so gross.
just because he called you hot doesn't mean he wants to bang you. I think brad pitts hot but I don't want to tenderly lick his chest, or do I....
incest is Wincest :D
add in pedo bear and it's pwincest or just pincest =D
you cant lie when intoxicated, your mind is too screwed to make up a lie (which is a complex procedure)
wrong uhh situation the correct one is when people are drunk, consequences are secondary, they dont care about them
Uh, 34 (and others who agree with..) Drunks can't lie? "I swear I only had one drink, officer"... Drunks lie far more often than people that aren't shitfaced.
85.. growing up with alcoholic parents and watching drunks come through the ER I guess I have experience with a different kind of drunk than you are. At any rate, the point is, being intoxicated is not synonymous with being unable to fabricate a lie.
if I ever have female children I'm going to come back into their lives when they are around 13, molest em, and then leave and go back to not paying child support.
I lie all the time when I'm intoxicated!!!
this is officially the worst fml i've ever heard (seen? read?).
her pops should be able to tell if he has a hot daughter or not. him being drunk makes it sound like he is sexually attracted to daughter. even if he would never touch her. kinda messy as a girl to walk around the house knowing her pops gets hard wen he sees her. she gotta move out.
Well my dad beats me when hes drunk so you have it good.
I know you're kidding 90
Is it Incest Friday already!?
66, they only lie when there are bad consequences and they know it
laurbear, 100 was kidding. not sure where that comment of his came from , (probably his ass, after his rendezvous with boners he can fit anything up there), nevertheless, no need to get so upset with him.
that was a reasonable response laurbear. missbunny only said that because she's clearly desensitized to the whole child molestation thing, for whatever reason.
129 you took the words right out of my mouth! Every post by Jizwold I read is completely moronic and/or annoying. Seems like he's just a Tucker Max wannabe. I would only read that book while taking a shit. And who selects such a stupid username? I hope he falls off the face of the Earth, honestly.
138, do us all a favor and get the stick out of your ass. clearly 100 was joking. I never said it was funny. I just think laurbear was overreacting. kind of like you were to my comment.
I just remember seeing a post by him commenting to a fellow FMLer saying "she's ugly, but I'd do her." When really the girl looked much better than he does in his picture. Also his comment about the girl was rude, uncalled for and came out of absolutely nowhere. So I have a very biased opinion on anything he says because he just sucks at life so badly.
168-You look old. 138-I'm with you about 100.
100 always pisses me off. But Ms Bunny makes it all better.
OK that is totally norma (cough cough)
Kitty! Kitty! Kitty! Kitty! Kitty! Kitty! Kitty! Kitty! Kitty! Kitty! Kitty! Kitty! Kitty! Kitty! Kitty! Kitty! Kitty! Kitty! Kitty! Kitty! Kitty! Kitty! Kitty! Kitty! Kitty! Kitty! Kitty! Kitty! Kitty! Kitty! Kitty! Kitty!
Boom Headshot >.>
OK you are totally coola (sneeze sneeze)
both of y'all are cook *clears throat*
cccombo b *wheeze* *cough*
C-C-C Combo *cough* **** :D :D
171- haha that was a goo *cough cough choke die*
maybe it was a joke, or maybe he's just proud of you? dramaqueen much?
I know right.. jeez wat a bitch.
My dad complimented my appearance once when I had a tube top on. Didn't really bother me, but if he said I was hot, that would've been really weird. FYL.
That is a bit odd
but compliments are nice so don't look on the negative side of things :)
I hope OPs not a guy..
Well... there have been more 'interesting' names. Take Blaket Jackson for example. I don't care how famous and loved you are, you do NOT name a child Blanket...
Yeah, look on the bright side, if you work it, you could get A BRAND NEW CAR.
This is incredibly disturbing. Try not to bring it up, it'll make for a very awkward moment.
if it's a stepdad, she can earn a bigger allowance.
good job, change your pic.
Shut the hell up Kykyshay. They don't need to change their picture. How would you feel if people told you to change yours? Its none of anyone else's concern what picture you have, nor is it your concern of theirs.
Maybe you are?

There is nothing wrong with admiring what you've created... I know I do every time I take a dump... unless it's one of those damned automatic flushing toilets...
at least he didnt call u ugly. stop bein debby downer.